
We're Tasting: Hazelnut, Cinnamon, Chocolate Sauce Country: BrazilRegion Various: South Minas, Cerrado, and Matas de MinasFarm: Various producersVariety Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor, Maragogype, and various othersAltitude: 1000–1400 maslProc. Method NaturalWe have always carried coffees from Brazil because of their popularity with those that want more of a chocolaty profile in their cup.  It's a crowd pleaser and definitely worth a try if this is your first dip into specialty coffee.  This is roasted to a solid medium roast that won't carry any roasty or ashy notes, but will deliver on the nice milk/dark chocolates.  
Size: 10oz
Grind: Whole Bean
Subtotal: $20.00




Size: 10oz
Grind: Whole Bean